WP-6502 WORD PROCESSOR The WP-6502 word processor has several built in functions to make this a really great program. They are as follows : #Sx where x is of the form (1) This sets the number of line feeds between the lines of text. #F This tells the program to finish the page its currently printing and start a new one. #P This does a line feed and then indents the next line 5 spaces for a paragraph. #Tx where x is of the form (04) This TABS x spaces from the begining of the line (not the margin). #Dx where x is of the form (01) This works the same as a TAB but prints "." instead of spaces. #Cx where x is of the form (27) This sends the ASCII character of the decimal number; Useful for sending control codes to the printer. #Mx where x is of the form (01) This sets a permanent left margin x spaces from the edge of the page. #K This stops the printing and puts you in an insert mode there by letting you type whatever you want. It is printed when you hit . This is useful for form letters where you would want to type in each persons name, and not want to re-type the line for each name. #Bx where x is of the form (01) This is used to signal the program to substitute the pre defined block of text for the control code. #(char) Any characters other than the ones above will be printed out across the entire width of the page from position zero to the right margin. <> COMMANDS <> The LINE EDIT mode is entered from the main menu or by hitting in the text entry mode. In the line edit mode you have several options which allow you to edit. They are : I -INSERT this allows you to enter text into the middle of an existing sentence. You simply space out to the place you want to insert and hit . It is exited by . R -REPLACE this allows you to type in changes in an existing line. It is exited by . D -DELETE this deletes the character at the cursor. S -Line Delete this deletes the entire line shown on the screen. T -TYPE returns you to text entry mode. exits back to main menu. shows previous line of text. shows next line of text. The GLOBAL SEARCH is entered from the main menu. This allows you to exchange one word or words for another, throughout the entire text. Simply type in the word you are looking to change, after the prompt, and then the change, after the next prompt. The program then searches the text for the word, printing out any line in which it occurs. You respond with either Y or N if you want it substituted or not. The ZAP command deletes all text! So be careful! You are also able to Read text off the cassette or Write data to the cassette. This is how you save your text for a future time. The VEIW command preforms a dual function. When it says Pr?, it is asking if you want to print it on a printer. If you respond with anything other than Y it will only list to the screen in the configuration it was last set for. When responding Y it will ask you to enter a number of parameters, if you hit it will use the preset value. Lm is left margin, Li is the number of lines to a page, Wi is the width of the printed page, P# is the number of the first page, #C is the number of copies printed. There are two more entries, AP? and Ho?. Ho returns you to the main menu and AP is something weird. The Block View command displays the predefined blocks of text. These are placed anywhere in the program (usually the end). To enter a block of text hit when in the text entry mode. The blocks of text are substituted for the #Bx (x is the index number for that block i.e. x=01) when encountered in a line. The MOVE command is not currently understood by the writer of this.