C2-BasicCursor.lod gives rudimentary screen editing to OSI C2/C4/C6 BASIC-In-ROM machines. Designed for an 8K system, this program loads in the last page of memory at $1F00. It patches into the BASIC error handling. To Install, Reset the OSI, Cold Start, Specify a max memory of 7935 bytes. At the command prompt, reset the machine again, press 'M' to enter the ROM monitor and then 'L' to load the program from tape. The program will load at $1F00 and patch the error handler at $0003, and return to the BASIC command prompt. Now you are free to enter or load your BASIC program. To invoke the editor, press 'C' followed by . You may momentarily see a Syntax Error, which will be automatically blanked out. Press the ESC key, you should now see a flashing halftone block cursor. While holding down ESC, you can move the cursor around the screen by simultaneously pressing the I J K or M keys to move Up, Left, Right, or Down. Position the cursor on the line you want to copy. When you reach the target location, continue pressing ESC and press the '>' key to copy text into the line buffer. Press ESC + '<' to remove text from the line buffer. You can modify the text being entered by releasing ESC and typing any regular key combination. When done press as though you have typed the line in manually. Mark Spankus 1981