Firmware for fun!
File | Description | SYNMON |
SYNMON1 contains ROM pages for many OSI systems C2/C4/C3 & Hard Disk/C8
The ROM image can be used in OSI 502, 505, 510 CPU boards to support the following configurations OSI C2/C4 with BASIC in ROM video & cassette based, 65V monitor OSI C4PMF video & 5.25" floppy disk based, 65V monitor OSI C8PDF video & 8" floppy disk based, 65V monitor OSI C3 Serial system floppy or CD74 Hard disk based, 65A monitor Also supports OSI 440 ASCII keyboard system * Original 2316 ROM uses high logic on CSx lines opposite of 2716 EPROM | DMON |
DMON rev1 contains ROM pages for OSI C3D with floppy & CD7 10MB hard drive
Found in Ma/Com Keysystem 300 and OSI C3D serial systems supporting 8" floppy disks and CD-7 hard disk subsystem, 65A monitor | C3ROM68 |
C3ROM68 contains ROM page for OSI C3D 6800 CPU as well as other OSI systems
Found in OSI C3D serial system with 6800 CPU as the "68A" 6800 serial ROM monitor ROM contains other pages that can be used to support systems with the following configurations OSI C2 BASIC in ROM serial I/O with $FC00 ACIA and OSI430 UART for cassette, 65A monitor OSI C2 BASIC in ROM OSI540 video based with polled keyboard, 65V monitor OSI C2/C4/C8 floppy disk & video based, 65V monitor OSI C3 serial system with 8" floppy + optional CD74 Hard disk, 65A monitor | SYN600 |
SYN600 contains ROM pages for many OSI systems C1P & Superboard/C2/C4
The ROM image can be used in C1P/Superboard/OSI600, 505, 502 CPU boards to support the following configurations OSI C2/C4/C8 with BASIC in ROM cassette based OSI C4PMF 5.25" floppy disk based OSI C8PDF 8" floppy disk based OSI C1P/Superboard BASIC in ROM + Floppy SYN600 source can be found here | BASIC ROM SET |
Four 2K BASIC ROM images for OSI BASIC-in-ROM systems
The original OSI Microsoft floating point BASIC in ROM, installed in OSI 500, 502 and 600 (C2/C4/C8/C1P) based systems *See replacement BASIC3 ROM fix below to fix string garbage collection bug Works with serial, polled or ASCII keyboards. | BASIC 3 ROM fix |
BASIC ROM string garbage collection fix for OSI & UK101 ROM + disk BASIC
Ed's Replacement BASIC ROM #3 really fixing the string garbage collector bug. Read the BAS3FIX.TXT file. | Combined BASIC ROM SET + Fix |
One 8K BASIC ROM image including Ed's string garbage collection fix for OSI BASIC-in-ROM systems
Microsoft floating point BASIC in ROM with garbage collection fix, for OSI systems Works with serial, polled or ASCII keyboards. | Serial System ROM |
65AB contains a single $FFxx System ROM page for serial OSI BASIC-In-ROM machines
The ROM image is paired with the 65A monitor and OSI BASIC ROMS to provide complete OSI serial based BASIC machine Expects console serial ACIA at $FC00 uses OSI430 UART for cassette I/O at $FB05 (not required) includes asm source (also included in C3ROM68 above) | Serial Monitor ROM |
65A contains a single $FExx Monitor ROM page for serial based OSI machines
The ROM image is paired with the 65AB or other boot ROMS used with OSI C3 disk systems or OSI 500 serial with BASIC Expects console serial ACIA at $FC00 includes asm source & OSI instructions pdf | Video Monitor ROM |
65VA contains a single $FExx Monitor ROM page for 540 video based OSI machines with ASCII keyboard + BASIC
The ROM image is paired with the 65V2A system ROM and OSI BASIC An early alternate configuration for OSI500 CPU + OSI540 Video board? Expects serial I/O ACIA at $FC00 includes asm source | Video System ROM |
65V2A contains a single $FFxx System ROM page for 540 video based OSI machines with ASCII keyboard + BASIC
The ROM image is paired with the 65VA monitor ROM and OSI BASIC An early alternate configuration for OSI500 CPU + OSI540 Video board? Expects serial I/O ACIA at $FC00 includes asm source | aka 65-500F2? OSI400/500 Disk/System ROM |
65F-ROM contains a single $FFxx System page for early OSI machines with ASCII/Serial/Polled Keyboards
This ROM image is paired with OSI 65A or 65V monitor ROM for a "D/M?" boot prompt includes asm source Reconstructed from partial printed ROM listing thanks to bxdanny | Video System & Monitor ROMs |
OSI65V-440-430 contains $FFxx System & $FExx Monitor ROM pages for 440 video based OSI machines with ASCII keyboard + BASIC
These ROM images are paired with 8K OSI BASIC Expects serial I/O UART at $FB05 (OSI430 board) includes asm source | Video System & Monitor ROMs |
OSI440-65V-ACIA contains $FFxx System & $FExx Monitor ROM pages for 440 video based OSI machines with ASCII keyboard + BASIC
These ROM images are paired with 8K OSI BASIC ROM Expects serial I/O ACIA at $FC00 (OSI400 board) & ASCII keyboard at $DF01 (OSI440 board) includes asm source | Video System Monitor ROM |
OSI400-65V-FF00 contains a single $FFxx System Monitor ROM page for 440 video based OSI machines with ASCII keyboard
Only 65V monitor ROM, no BASIC support. Expects serial I/O ACIA at $FC00 (OSI400 board) & ASCII keyboard at $DF01 (OSI440 board) includes asm source | System/Monitor/Keyboard ROMs for OSI540 | contains all 3 system ROMS for a 540 video based OSI machine with polled keyboard + BASIC
Includes 65V Monitor, Polled Keyboard support ROM & System ROM These ROM images occupy addresses $FD00-$FFFF and are paired with OSI BASIC Used in C2/C4/C8 BASIC-In-ROM machines. Also included in SYNMON1, SYN600, and C3MON68 ROMS above. Expects serial I/O ACIA at $FC00 | OSI Character Generator ROM |
2K CHARGEN1 ROM OSI 8x8 character set
This character set is used in all video based OSI systems that feature full graphics character set. OSI540/C2/C4/C8, OSI600 Superboard/C1P ![]()
Misc | Description | UK101 BASIC ROM SET |
Four 2K ROM images for UK101 BASIC-in-ROM systems
Similar to the OSI Microsoft floating point BASIC in ROM. Modifications include: [ROM01] Allows loading additional characters in BASIC programs from cassette ($0B-$7F) vs ($20-$7D) for OSI. [ROM02] unchanged. [ROM03] String garbage collection fix. [ROM04] Boot message change. "WRITTEN BY RICHARD W. WEILAND" changed to "This is the COMPUKIT UK101" "OSI 6502 BASIC VERSION 1.0 REV 3.2 COPYRIGHT 1977 BY MICROSOFT CO." changed to "C O M P U K I T U K 1 0 1 Personal Computer 8K Basic Copyright1979" | UK101 Character Generator ROM |
2K UK101 Chargen ROM 8x8 character set
This character set is used in the UK101, similar to the OSI character set except some warship & game symbols have been replaced with math signs. ![]()
| Cegmon Monitors for 16 line or 32 line UK101 |
Two Cegmon Monitors one for 48x16 (visible) screen, one for 48x32 (visible) screen
CEGmon by George Chkiantz, Richard Elen & Tom Graves is one of the monitors available for the UK101, it includes enhanced screen editing, key polling, display processing, and an enchanced machine monitor. | Monitor for 16 line or 32 line UK101 |
Two Monuk01 Monitors one for 48x16 (visible) screen, one for 48x32 (visible) screen
Monuk01 is one of the monitors available for the UK101, almost unchanged from OSI SYN600, but modified for a wider screen. Occupies 2K memory space $F800-FFFF | Newmon Monitor for 16 line or 32 line UK101 |
Two Newmon/Monuk02 Monitors one for 48x16 (visible) screen, one for 48x32 (visible) screen
Newmon is one of the monitors available for the UK101, similar to OSI monitor. Occupies 2K memory space $F800-FFFF | Wemon Monitor for 48x16 line UK101 |
Wemon Monitor for 48x16 (visible) screen UK101
Wemon is one of the monitors available for the UK101. Occupies 4K memory space $F000-FFFF, requires ACIA to be moved to $E000 This is an improved ROM monitor for the UK101 by Watford Electronics, providing full-featured screen editing, alpha-lock on the keyboard, improved machine language monitor, and improved cassette handling with named files and more. |
Misc | Description | Aardvark C1S Updated version for Superboard II |
Two C1S Monitors, an older "C1S-1" and newer "C1S-2" for Suberboard II
C1S - for the C1P only, from Aardvark Technical Services. This ROM adds full screen edit functions (insert, delete, change characters in a basic line), Software selectable scroll windows, two instant screen clears (scroll window only and full screen, software choice of OSI or standard keyboard format, Bell support, 600 Baud cassette support, and a few other features. It plugs in in place of the OSI ROM. NOTE: this ROM also supports video conversions for 24, 32, 48 or 64 characters per line. Replaces video swap tape on C1P model 2. (Sound output via speaker connected to RTS line of ACIA) Aardvark C1S monitor ROM uses memory locations $0222 through $022F for cursor positioning and subroutines Similar to Cegmon monitor Includes asm source *Looking for manual/instructions |
DABUG_III_EP2C_C1P_S2!.zip DABUG Monitor for C1P/OSI 600D |
DABUG III Monitor for standard or 48x16 video C1P
DABUG is an enhanced monitor ROM for C1P that incorporates a full screen editor, BASIC keyword accelerator, toggle 48x16 video mode, and the ability to pause BASIC program execution. Occupies 2K memory space $F800-FFFF This is an improved ROM monitor for the C1P/OSI 600D by DAVID ANEAR 2/2/81 |
OSIHIRES.ROM 2x4 block graphics charset |
"HiRes" character set ROM for OSI video systems
This ROM breaks the 8x8 video character cell into 2x4 grid allowing a C2/C4 systems 128x128 dot graphics, or 64x128 dots for a 32x32 screen. This could give the OSI user a low-cost bitmap graphics option. This ROM was typically installed with a ROM switch circuit to toggle between the original character set and this hires option. (High nibble is left column, low nibble is right column, high order bit is top row.) ![]()
OSI_IBM.ROM IBM CGA graphics charset |
IBM character set ROM for OSI video systems (bit order reversed)
This is an IBM CGA character set converted for use with OSI systems. This allowed for better compatibility with some PC BBS systems back in the day, and provided a more bold font. ![]()